"How to Innovatively Design, Create and Deploy Private Sector Solutions in Solving Public Health Pandemics (Eradicate Extreme Poverty, End Hunger, increase TIMELY access to Education and Affordable Qualitative Healthcare) in Nigeria"
...Bright Chimezie Irem, Fellow Global Citizen, Nigeria.Our Impact: Our Impact towards ending extreme poverty eradicating hunger and improving access to quality healthcare and education.
This has tremendously scaled and improved to our excitement.
With the nomination of our founder, Bright Chimezie Irem (Popularly Called Global Citizen by peers and communities) as an outstanding Young African Leader by the USA Government via the Department of State's program - Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders (MWF/YALI), an appreciable social gains have been made.
USA Government Listing of Bright Chimezie Irem, our Founder/Lead Initiator as outstanding Young African Leader on:
2. Mandela Washington Fellowship Page for Young African Leaders on
Bright Chimezie Irem (Fellow Global Citizen, Nigeria)
Founder/Lead Initiator FVGI
2017 Mandela Washington Fellow
For Young African Leaders.
Founder/Lead Initiator FVGI
2017 Mandela Washington Fellow
For Young African Leaders.
Note: 1. All Pictures and Photo Images Used here are Copyrighted and are our direct photos while working in our various local/rural areas. All Photo Credit: Bright Chimezie Irem (Our founder, Lead Initiator, FVGI, Our Global Citizen.)
2. Our success stories is largely based on our ability to directly gather, collate local data directly and use it in our planning and decision making.
Our Core Mission has been strengthened through a locally-driven innovative model that supports and potentiates each other towards providing RELIABLE supply chain links for essential medications and supporting compassionate health care in a dignified environment while addressing the root causes of illness, poverty, violence, and neglect.
Our Mission in providing quality, compassionate health care in a dignified environment while tackling the root causes of illness, poverty, violence, and neglect has grown to an appreciable proportion of directly serving about 63,166 persons (indirectly over 143,000 persons) at the base of the pyramid among the most fragile and vulnerable components of our communities and population within a time frame of two-quarterly operational period between 2015 to 2016 (Q3 of 2015 to Q2 of 2016).
Future View (FVGI) brings hope to Nigerians within the vulnerable and fragile segment of our demographics through a holistic model. Through a uniquely designed innovative model, a partnership with community members, we focus first on ensuring that fake and dangerous essential medications are stamped out by providing an IT-based and monitored/reliable essential medications supply chain network to our network of pharmacies, chemists and clinics treating and preventing illness through coordinated Health Fulfillment Center (HFC) networks anchored on the existing primary health care facilities and services, wielding together private and public sectors, thereby bringing in Efficiency and Accountability to the latter by the former. We then integrate education, sustainable and scalable rural agricultural programs/projects, and economic development programs through financial inclusion (micro-finance) strategies.
Our network forms the heartbeat of our operations - forming the anchorage to chains of primary healthcare/Health Fulfillment Centers, pre-vocational/school, and practical-demonstration gardens, and through network of routine community outreach events we provide services throughout 38 networked communities.
FVGI comprehensive programs serve more than 63,000 vulnerable persons within the rural areas of our operations, thereby, providing and spreading Social Safety Nets to cover these fragile and vulnerable components of our population at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
Nigeria's healthcare statistics and indices have been discouraging - A Nigerian childbearing mother has almost a 1 in 15 lifetime risk of dying of complications during childbirth or immediately after childbirth; and 64 out of 9000 babies will die before they reach their first to 5th birthday time.
There is big gap and opportunity for FVGI helpful/social impact in rural Nigeria and Afripharm Medicals through Future View Green Initiatives is uniquely working to create long-lasting sustainable and scalable social solutions to address these inequalities and change the narratives..
FVGI's key program in rural areas like Kawuti, Anyyiin, Akamkpa, Netim, Umuaka/Ndufu-Umota etc Communities is a detailed and very comprehensive network of Healthcare Fulfillment Centers (HFC). The social healthcare services being providing include primary care, maternal and child health, mental health, the prevention and treatment of HIV, TB, malaria and other infectious diseases, and a growing non-communicable disease program. Our network/s of HFCs have responded to local needs over time and now includes 6-inpatient wards via different General hospitals, including one dedicated primarily to severe pediatric malnutrition through a connected tertiary institution teaching hospital.
Early, Timely Affordable High-quality education is among the basic key foundation to improve people's lives and alleviate poverty. Through FVGI community-enhancing education clinics program, we strengthen young people's timely access to vocational, pre-primary and primary education, develop teachers’ teaching/modern IT-skills through a home designed training program in coordination with networked area schools, and empower parents to take an active role in their children’s education and academic success.
FVGI Agriculture and Mining
Given our huge and growing demographics (population), Nigeria has the distinction of likely becoming one of the most hungry country in the world and malnutrition will be one of the most prevalent diseases in rural areas of Nigeria if nothing strategic is done now.
In response to local/rural community needs, FVGI agriculture home-grown rural Agricultural program has gradually advanced from nutrition education and seed distribution to include networked community outreaches and programs, rural farmer trainings, livestock management, and environmental protection. Members of the Community engage in the management of on-site gardens and livestock pens, cultivate and grow community gardens, and take part in agricultural and livestock cooperatives.
These initiatives produce food and economic opportunity for the community, and also strengthen community knowledge of the connections between food, nutrition, and health.
FVGI Rings artisanal miners together forming mining cooperatives as well, train and mentor scale miners by providing them with basic mining skills for them to get better revenues from the mining activities, and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS and HSE) management skills to avoid the dangerous set up of artisanal mines as well to allow the local Nigeria's population to benefit from their minerals and natural resources to help them invest in other alternative sectors such as agriculture, farming, and build schools and hospitals etc: Thereby scoring far-reaching points in ENDING EXTREME POVERTY !!!
FVGI Economic Development
FVGI provides rural and customized local training for vulnerable community members, especially women that engage in menial works and artisanal mining who have experienced longtime gender-based violence. Cooperatives in mineral mining/extractives in line with set best practices, weaving, sewing, soap-making, and baking providing rural community members with a steady sources of financial income and economic empowerment, while providing a social safety environment for relationship, growth, partnership and progress.
FVGI Community Engagement
FVGI and our our networks have grown rapidly over time with the inclusive support and interest of the rural community dwellers in which we serve and operate. We continuously learn from our networks, TEAM, each other and work in close cooperation to develop and implement social gainful programs that meet critical community needs that are specific and unique to each community. Through FVGI network of outreach programs and events, critical leadership development trainings/programs, festival of arts and culture, we inspire creative and inclusive expression, educating fellow community members while strengthening community connections and social safety net networks.
2. Our success stories is largely based on our ability to directly gather, collate local data directly and use it in our planning and decision making.
Our Core Mission has been strengthened through a locally-driven innovative model that supports and potentiates each other towards providing RELIABLE supply chain links for essential medications and supporting compassionate health care in a dignified environment while addressing the root causes of illness, poverty, violence, and neglect.
Our Mission in providing quality, compassionate health care in a dignified environment while tackling the root causes of illness, poverty, violence, and neglect has grown to an appreciable proportion of directly serving about 63,166 persons (indirectly over 143,000 persons) at the base of the pyramid among the most fragile and vulnerable components of our communities and population within a time frame of two-quarterly operational period between 2015 to 2016 (Q3 of 2015 to Q2 of 2016).
Future View (FVGI) brings hope to Nigerians within the vulnerable and fragile segment of our demographics through a holistic model. Through a uniquely designed innovative model, a partnership with community members, we focus first on ensuring that fake and dangerous essential medications are stamped out by providing an IT-based and monitored/reliable essential medications supply chain network to our network of pharmacies, chemists and clinics treating and preventing illness through coordinated Health Fulfillment Center (HFC) networks anchored on the existing primary health care facilities and services, wielding together private and public sectors, thereby bringing in Efficiency and Accountability to the latter by the former. We then integrate education, sustainable and scalable rural agricultural programs/projects, and economic development programs through financial inclusion (micro-finance) strategies.
Our network forms the heartbeat of our operations - forming the anchorage to chains of primary healthcare/Health Fulfillment Centers, pre-vocational/school, and practical-demonstration gardens, and through network of routine community outreach events we provide services throughout 38 networked communities.
FVGI comprehensive programs serve more than 63,000 vulnerable persons within the rural areas of our operations, thereby, providing and spreading Social Safety Nets to cover these fragile and vulnerable components of our population at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
Nigeria's healthcare statistics and indices have been discouraging - A Nigerian childbearing mother has almost a 1 in 15 lifetime risk of dying of complications during childbirth or immediately after childbirth; and 64 out of 9000 babies will die before they reach their first to 5th birthday time.
There is big gap and opportunity for FVGI helpful/social impact in rural Nigeria and Afripharm Medicals through Future View Green Initiatives is uniquely working to create long-lasting sustainable and scalable social solutions to address these inequalities and change the narratives..
FVGI's key program in rural areas like Kawuti, Anyyiin, Akamkpa, Netim, Umuaka/Ndufu-Umota etc Communities is a detailed and very comprehensive network of Healthcare Fulfillment Centers (HFC). The social healthcare services being providing include primary care, maternal and child health, mental health, the prevention and treatment of HIV, TB, malaria and other infectious diseases, and a growing non-communicable disease program. Our network/s of HFCs have responded to local needs over time and now includes 6-inpatient wards via different General hospitals, including one dedicated primarily to severe pediatric malnutrition through a connected tertiary institution teaching hospital.
Early, Timely Affordable High-quality education is among the basic key foundation to improve people's lives and alleviate poverty. Through FVGI community-enhancing education clinics program, we strengthen young people's timely access to vocational, pre-primary and primary education, develop teachers’ teaching/modern IT-skills through a home designed training program in coordination with networked area schools, and empower parents to take an active role in their children’s education and academic success.
FVGI Agriculture and Mining
Given our huge and growing demographics (population), Nigeria has the distinction of likely becoming one of the most hungry country in the world and malnutrition will be one of the most prevalent diseases in rural areas of Nigeria if nothing strategic is done now.
In response to local/rural community needs, FVGI agriculture home-grown rural Agricultural program has gradually advanced from nutrition education and seed distribution to include networked community outreaches and programs, rural farmer trainings, livestock management, and environmental protection. Members of the Community engage in the management of on-site gardens and livestock pens, cultivate and grow community gardens, and take part in agricultural and livestock cooperatives.
These initiatives produce food and economic opportunity for the community, and also strengthen community knowledge of the connections between food, nutrition, and health.
FVGI Rings artisanal miners together forming mining cooperatives as well, train and mentor scale miners by providing them with basic mining skills for them to get better revenues from the mining activities, and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS and HSE) management skills to avoid the dangerous set up of artisanal mines as well to allow the local Nigeria's population to benefit from their minerals and natural resources to help them invest in other alternative sectors such as agriculture, farming, and build schools and hospitals etc: Thereby scoring far-reaching points in ENDING EXTREME POVERTY !!!
FVGI Economic Development
FVGI provides rural and customized local training for vulnerable community members, especially women that engage in menial works and artisanal mining who have experienced longtime gender-based violence. Cooperatives in mineral mining/extractives in line with set best practices, weaving, sewing, soap-making, and baking providing rural community members with a steady sources of financial income and economic empowerment, while providing a social safety environment for relationship, growth, partnership and progress.
FVGI Community Engagement
FVGI and our our networks have grown rapidly over time with the inclusive support and interest of the rural community dwellers in which we serve and operate. We continuously learn from our networks, TEAM, each other and work in close cooperation to develop and implement social gainful programs that meet critical community needs that are specific and unique to each community. Through FVGI network of outreach programs and events, critical leadership development trainings/programs, festival of arts and culture, we inspire creative and inclusive expression, educating fellow community members while strengthening community connections and social safety net networks.