Why I should be part of Efforts to Achieve the MDGs


WE ARE THE FIRST GENERATION THAT CAN END POVERTY But ONLY WITH OUR VOICE and we refuse to miss this historic opportunity.

Effective statistics have shown that over one billion people across the world still survive on less than one dollar (USD) per day. Is anybody doing anything to end this and make the world a better and safer place? Are our elected leaders doing enough to end poverty? The answer is no. That’s why it’s up to us to remind them of the commitments they made.

At the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000, 189 Heads of Government jointly agreed and promised to end poverty by 2015. They signed the Millennium Declaration, promising to “free men, women and children from the dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”, committing developed and developing countries alike to an eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) touching all the aspects of human life.
With all the money, the people, the youths, the technology and know-how the world has at its disposal, achieving these set Goals shouldn’t be a problem for us, right? But even today, 1.2 billion people are forced to survive on less than one dollar (USD) per day, and 133 million young people cannot even read or write, what a tragedy awaits us if we as youths fail to do something now.

To raise awareness on government’s promises to end poverty, the UN and the member nations are inviting me and you to join the United Nations Millennium Campaign and become part of a worldwide movement of people just like me and you who are making our world a better place. They are calling upon me and you; and the world’s six billion people to join their voices towards achieving these goals and our support is highly needed!


You might think achieving all of the Goals by 2015 is the responsibility of politicians, or a certain group of government functionaries and that there is little or nothing you can do to help. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am needed likewise you to achieve these goals. To achieve the goals, the world needs me, you and everyone: young people, aids activists, religious leaders, environmentalists, unions, civil society organizations, and women’s rights activists—everyone concerned about our future—to work together and make sure the goals become a reality.

Those of us who live in the rural areas of the developing countries should make sure our governments live up to their commitments on the Goals. Those of us in Nigeria and from other countries should focus on making our governments achieve the first seven Goals.

This is my chance likewise yours and ours to really make a difference. The world needs me, my friends, you, your friends, and our communities to refuse to see another day where another person dies because of broken promises.

The MDGs call for a Global Partnership Of our individual efforts and resources as strong, viable and responsible youths to address the Most Critical Issues of Our Time. The Problem Is Unfortunately Simple: A Lack Of Political Will To Make The Goals A Reality. The year 2015 could be the First Time in History that Nigeria/ the World will be eliminating Poverty, imagine the joy of me and you being part of this history! But We Have To All Work Together And Take Action Now! Especially, now that we are young, strong, viable and responsible as youths, what an opportunity and call to duty.

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